May 05, 2017
I was so appreciative of how easy Mike made the whole experience
I wanted to take a minute to tell you how easy it has been to work with Mike Lawton.
This past December was the first year for WinterFest and it was a huge hit – so huge that the Tourism Commission more than doubled my budget for next year! The City of Festus (MO) rented an ice rink and two inflatables from your company. I had a million questions that would randomly occur to me and I’m sure that Mike looked at his fellow workers a few times with comments about me being crazy (and at times he was right!), but he was always very friendly, helpful, and quick to respond to every single question I asked.
At different times my city administrator asked that I get in touch with Mike to have various changes made to the contract or waiver. These were always handled in a timely manner and always to my city admin’s approval. Once he asked if I had heard anything about a day after he told me of a needed change and was surprised when I told him that I had already received a reply from Mike and that it included the updated information. I told City Administrator Happy Welch that I would be contacting you after WinterFest because I was so appreciative of how easy Mike made the whole experience and Happy said to be sure I did because good work should be recognized.
People are very quick to fuss and complain about even minor inconveniences so I wanted to be sure you knew what a joy and pleasure working with Mike has been. I have already been in touch with Mike about an ice rink and inflatables for next year and have every confidence that the planning will go as smoothly as this year’s did thanks to Mike.